Hi there; d@niel here ~;-)
First? Allow me to defend (temporarily) rambling… a quick (re)start, to inspire better structure later.
I’m workin’ on wwwebco & forwwward, and paperwork. Lots and lots of paperwork, despite enjoying decades w/o any under West Virginia’s UNIFORM UNINCORPORATED NONPROFIT ASSOCIATION ACT (see §36-11-1). Since before this century began, we have
- never billed any nonprofit for our products or services.
- always paid our own costs.
- donated the domains we developed.
- donated systems, resources, etc.
- donated remaining funds, upon finding greater need.
Don’t get too excited; that’s gotta change, if we’re gonna change the wwworld. And, together? Wwwe wwwill.
“…these needs we see respect no boundaries; it’s time [for us all] to extend our reach.”
THRONG LTD is undergoing OnGood’s validation process, after which our SWARM becomes THR.ONG, and Technology for Humanity and Rights (THR) will move to THR.NGO. We’re waiting for our License from the WV Secretary of State (because I chose not to pay extra to expedite service).
Thank God, and you, Mayor Peak, for those two years of Business Law, but it was my neighbor, Milton Ogle, that schooled me in the finer arts of advocacy and philanthropy.
I truly know their intentions were only for good, but few governmental programs have ever proven effective or efficient; we should look first to our own two hands, and help others that are willing to help themselves.
historical bits…
Milton played more than a large part in America’s War on Poverty, from farm to teacher, to broom factory manager, economic/community developer for the Council on the Southern Mountains (CSM), executive director of the Appalachian Volunteers project (the AVs), to decades with the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund (AppalReD), and the farm across the road from ours.
In 1968, as he began his career with AppalRed in Kentucky, my family moved to our West Virginia farm, and Harvey ‘n Naomi announced their engagement in New York. They bought the farm next door, which they sold in the 70s to Milton, with whom she had worked… these farms, and this neighborhood, brought us together.
Naomi played a most important role in establishing black lung benefits for the coal miners that followed those led by my Great Uncle, on their march to the battle of Blair Mountain. (Generations of timber, mining and military, on both sides of my family.)
Advocacy for any shared concern often results in lasting friendships, but it’s our common love of these lands, and the good peoples that work them, that compelled such uncommon efforts to protect both.
We often disagreed on how best to do that.
Milton held the belief that the greatest threat to greed (the true root of all evil), and the corruption it brings, was, “A poor man, with a lawyer.” I argued for the greater potentials of the ‘net, having followed two years of Electro-Mechanical Technology with Fortran, Pascal, Cobol, et. al.
As an aside? My last real jobs included Assistant Director for the GDRC, running the Gallery and the Computer Lab, so you’d think I would embrace those so-called ‘languages of the Web’ but… I don’t, save for maybe PHP and Ruby. Might be influenced by my lousy eyesight, but I do like Python, and I may grow to love Rust, which wasn’t even mentioned in this really funny video (~7 min), “Haskell is Useless”. Watch Simon Peyton-Jones’ lecture (1+ hr), to better understand his humor (and what makes GHC awesome ~;-)

my logos
precede emojis ~;-)
We were both right. The next image was found 94 snaphots deep within the Internet Archive. On the same page? I had links for his organization, which I had registered under all 1,000+ 3 domain extensions (way back, when music spun, and folks wore watches).

“providing equal access to three worlds” 2003
As I (re)registered AppalReD.Org, I sadly wondered what might have been for the poor in our region, had they just used ’em.
We can all benefit from the teachings of mankind’s greatest minds, for free… studying folks like Milton Friedman, and Thomas Sowell, should change your minds about what we, the people, should be doing for one another: Government is typically half as effective, and twice as expensive. And, once they start wasting America’s resources? They rarely ever stop.
Think efficiency, and sustainability. How much more might we collectively accomplish, if we stick to the bare-metal essentials? No (or, at most, minimal) wages. Working from where we are, meeting with others via the phone or ‘net, and reallocating our existing resources.
*one* 501(c)(3)?
The world, indeed, needed another: One single 501(c)(3) can serve hundreds of causes/projects (and just as many Web sites, which are now cheaper than good dirt), with 100% transparency and full accountability, all while giving donors control over how their own money is used.
EXCEPTIONS: Web sites like American.VOTE, and Veteran-related projects, such as Veterans.LIVE, Veteran.tools, Armed.Forces.Memorial, Line.of.Duty.Memorial, et. al., may best be served by filing under different sections (e.g. 501(c)(19) tax exempt status for 101st.US).
Any accountants, advisors or otherwise informed folks out there? We appreciate any/all advice/suggestions thrown our way. (your contributions save us money. ~;-)
The ultimate costs of doing nothing will always outweigh the expenses we incur by doing the right thing.
Question: Which price shall we pay?
There are, however, still expenses; this is important. Just yesterday, I showed my 1968 Ford F250 Custom Cab Camper Special to it’s next owner, soOo… yes, this is that important.
I’m cleaning out much of my own portfolios, with hundreds of domains now for sale. (Dozens will be donated to our 501(c)(3), when the timing is right.)
advice/suggestions welcome/appreciated